Women in Renewables Dubai Dialogue 2023
03 December 2023 | Crowne Plaza Dubai Marina, Dubai
The COP28 - Women in Renewables Dubai Dialogue 2023, held concurrently with COP 28, is a highly anticipated event poised to take place on December 3rd in Dubai. Esteemed women peers hailing from across the full spectrum of the renewables will converge in a curated gathering, fostering synergies, cultivating community, promoting education, and nurturing leadership in service of a more equitable and sustainable energy transition.

Our primary objective is to generate concrete recommendations for prioritized plans that promote gender parity and diversity within the renewable energy industry.
Champion Diversity:
Find Solutions to dismantle systemic injustice and oppression, and highlight each person’s complex identity and lived experience.
Cultivate Leadership:
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in the energy sector.
Encourage Full Engagement:
Encourage all genders and all age groups to get involved so as to create an impartial and diverse regulatory and business ecosystem for women.
Develope A Common Faith and Commitment:
Draft a new feasible commitment to ensure gender parity from one company/association to an integrated community of the renewables industry.
AGENDA AT A GLANCE (3 December 2023)
13:30 - 14:00 (30 mins)
Registration, Wristband Wearing, and Signature on the Background Wall
14:00 - 14:20 (20 mins)
Welcome Remarks by the Women in Renewables Alliance and Co-host Organizations
Ms. Yisha He, Chairwoman, Women in Renewables Alliance
Ms. Joanna Osawe, President & CEO, Women in Renewable Energy
Ms. Ellen von Zitzewitz, Representative, Women Energize Women (German Federal Government)
Christine Lins, Executive Director, Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)
Natalia Weber, Project Manager, Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition (GWNET)
14:20 - 14:40 (20 mins)
[Opening Remark] The Strength of Women in Championing the Journey of Environment Protection and Energy Transition
Ms. Gauri Singh, Deputy Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Dr. Aaesha Abdulla Alnuaimi, Director - Solar Innovation Center, Dubai Electricity & Water Authority
14:40 - 14:50 (10 mins)
[Case Study] ADNOC’s Journey towards Gender Diversity and Inclusion
Ms. Hanan Balalaa, SVP, New Energies, Hydrogen and CCUS, ADNOC
14:50 - 15:10 (20 mins)
Signing of Memorandum of Understanding (Mou) on Pledge for Industry Diversity & Inclusion
15:10 - 16:00 (50 mins)
[Leaders’ Panel] Fostering Synergies to Embrace Diversity - Perspectives from State Actors and Private Sectors
Ms. Tetchi Capellan, Secretary-General, APVIA; WiRA Board Member; CEO, SunAsia Energy
Eng. Nawal Alhanaee, Director of Future Energy Department, Ministry of Energy & Infrastructure
Ms. Valérie Ruiz Domingo, Group Hydrogen Vice President, ENGIE
Ms. Alicia Eastman, Co-founder & President, InterContinental Energy
Ms. Irina Gorbounova, Head of Xcarb Innovation Fund, ArcelorMittal Ltd
Ms. Nathalie Oosterlinck, Executive Officer, Head of Global Renewables, JERA
Ms. Boyana Achovski, Secretary General, Gas Infrastructure Europe
16:00 - 16:50 (50 mins)
[Global Practices] A Gender-Inclusive Net Zero Transition: What's It and What's Next?
Ms. Joanna Osawe, President & CEO, Women in Renewable Energy
Ms. Adriana Reais Pinto, International Policy Expert for Energy & Board Member Águas do Tejo Atllantico, Águas de Portugal
Mai Abdelhalim, President, GE Vernova Africa
Eng. Faiza Mohamed AL Harthi, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Head, Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit
Milena Messori, Acting Director, Corporate Finance & Global Activities Department, European Investment Bank
Maria Persson Gulda, CTO, H2GreenSteel
Coffee Break & Networking
17:10 - 17:40 (30 mins)
[Male Champions’ Keynote] Engaging All Genders to Take Accountability for the Transformative Change
Mr. Gabriel Clemens, CEO Green Gas, E.ON SE
Mr. Nikunj Gupta, Vice President, New Energies Technical & Projects, New Energies Technical & Projects Division, ADNOC
Mr. Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe
17:40 - 17:50
(10 mins)
[Case Study] Mobilizing Young Women Talents: ACWA’s Efforts and Practices
Dr. Lana El Chaar, Vice President, Talent Management and Capability Building, ACWA Power
17:50 - 18:00
(10 mins)
[Case Study] Story of an Intraprenuer - Breaking Barriers in pursuit of finding Green Growth
Ms. Kiruthika Sadagopan, General Manager & Lead - Green Hydrogen Strategy, Reliance Industries
18:00 - 18:20 (20 mins)
2023 IMPACT Campaigners Certificate Award Ceremony and Announcement
18:20 - 20:20 (120 mins)
COP28 - Gender Diversity Night (Buffet dinner + Cocktail Party)
2023 Steering Committee

Yisha He
Women in Renewables Alliance

Ellen von Zitzewitz
Women Energize Women;German Federal Government

Joanna Osawe
President & CEO
Women in Renewable Energy

Irene Giner-Reichl
Senior Advisor
Global Women's Network for the Energy Transition
2023 IMPACT Ambassadors
The 2023 Impact Ambassdor distinction is a prestigious accolade reserved for outstanding female and male industry leaders who have not only achieved remarkable success in their careers but have also exhibited unwavering dedication to promoting a more equitable energy transition.

Nawal Alhanaee
Director of Future Energy Department
Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, UAE

Nathalie Oosterlinck
Managing Executive Officer, Head of Global Renewables

Aaesha Abdulla Alnuaimi
Director - Solar Innovation Center
Dubai Electricity & Water Authority

Valérie Ruiz-Domingo
Group Hydrogen Vice President

Hanan Balalaa
SVP, New Energies, Hydrogen and CCUS

Tetchi Capellan
Asia Photovoltaics Industry Association

Gauri Singh
Deputy Director General
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Dr. Lana El Chaar
Vice President, Talent Management and Capability Building
ACWA Power
2023 Inclusion Accelerator

Alicia Eastman
Co-founder & President
InterContinental Energy

Irina Gorbounova
Head of Xcarb Innovation Fund
ArcelorMittal Ltd
2023 IMPACT Campaigners

Kiruthika Sadagopan
Lead-Green Hydrogen Business Strategy & BD
Reliance Industries Limited

Milena Messori
Acting Director, Corporate Finance & Global Activities Department
European Investment Bank

Meriem Bellizim
Business Development Senior Manager
ACWA Power

Hager Abunahwa
WiSER Pioneer

Eng. Faiza Mohamed AL Harthi
Energy, Environment and Natural Resources Head
Oman Vision 2040 Implementation Follow-up Unit

Maria Persson Gulda

Armita Bayat
Country Manager
Tek Solar

Ana Maria Vidaurre
Head Renewable
Hydrogen Structuring & Strategic Partnerships

Mai Abdelhalim
GE Vernova Africa

Milena Messori
Acting Director,. Corporate Finance & Global Activities Department
EIB Global

Vaishali Tonk
Future Energy Leader
World Energy Council

Rumaitha Al Busaidi
Director for Business Development

Lubna Alwahaibi
Managing Director
Siemens Energy

Adriana Reais Pinto
International policy expert for energy transition and Board Member Águas do Tejo Atlântico
Águas de Portugal

Shelli Zargary
Communications Strategist & Climatech Evangelist
Gencell Energy

Boyana Achovski
Secretary General
Gas Infrastructure Europe

Asal Ibrahim
Senior Growth Manager - New Business Development
Marubeni Middle-East and Africa Power Limited