Masdar and ENGIE join forces to advance diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Inclusion is the Amplifier of Diversity
It is more than a responsibility to do more for the rights and interests of female employees. The renewable energy industry needs to engage and retain more women – and promote them. Their leadership and contributions will be crucial to ensuring that the energy systems of the future address the needs of modern societies and leave no one behind. Collectively as business leaders we agree that we must do more, which means committing to four goals that we believe will catalyze further conversations and actions around diversity and inclusion within the workplace and foster collaboration among our organizations.
Four Areas to Highlight
1. Unconscious Stereotypes Training & Produce Inclusive Work
Unconscious stereotypes training enables individuals to begin recognizing, acknowledging, and therefore minimizing any potential blind spots he or she might have, but wasn’t aware of previously. We commit to rolling out unconscious bias education within our companies in the form that best fits our specific culture and at regular paces. By helping our employees recognize and minimize their blind spots, we aim to facilitate more open and honest conversations.
2. Hiring Standards and Practices
Supporting a greater percentage of women to step up into leadership will have tremendous cultural and economic benefits. We commit that by 2030, the proportion of female employees will reach 40% of the company's total number of employees across all our global branches, and the proportion of middle and senior female employees will reach 30%, together with clear career-path development up to the management level and training lessons.
3. Corporate Exchange on Corporate Best and Unsuccessful Practice
By sharing and learning with each other, either successful or not-so-successful practices, we strengthen our existing programs and commitments to better serve our employees, industry and the society. We commit to share our experiences to help organizations evolve and enhance their current diversity strategies.
4. Create Accountability Systems
We pledge to create accountability systems within our corporates and set an equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI) index to track our own progress and to share regular updates with our leadership in order to catalog effective programs and measurement practices. The results will be evaluated at the end of every year.
Join the commitment and ACT ON your workplaces of future